Brampton, Cumbria: An Architectural Walking Tour

Saturday 15th June 2024, commencing at 11.00 am

Lily Hopkins

Two images: St Martin's church and market stalls

St Martin's Brampton, by Philip Webb - Brampton Market

Commencing at 11.00 am; break times and suggestions for a self-catered lunch to be confirmed; ending at 5.00 pm.
£15.00 which includes tea, with scones or cake, at the end of the walk.
The cost includes donations to the churches we will visit.
Travel will be by car and every effort will be made to arrange lifts.

We will spend the day guided by Lily Hopkins around the fascinating and lively Cumbrian market town of Brampton. Built of red sandstone, the town is described by Pevsner as "uncommonly attractive".

Lily grew up in the town, is a town and country planner, past chair of the Carlisle Diocesan Advisory Committee and church warden of St Martin's. The parish church's architect Philip Webb designed two other buildings in this town. In the outskirts we may glimpse a post war domestic work by Sir Leslie Martin and what might be the oldest church in Cumbria.

The full itinerary will develop over the next few weeks and will be issued to those who sign up at least two weeks before the visit.


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