Cost: £325 to £375 (to be confirmed)

4 days: Thursday 4th to Sunday 7th July 2013

Some of the sights of our summer trip

The newly published Pevsner Guide to Dundee and Angus has inspired this visit, and illustrates the broad range of Scottish architecture to be seen in this area. We are arranging several visits within the suburbs of Dundee; a Sunday morning city centre walk; trips out to the north through Angus reaching Montrose and south across the Tay to St Andrews in Fife. Apart from the buildings illustrated above (St Athernase Church, Leuchars; Memorial Chapel, Arbroath; House of Dun, near Montrose; Hospitalfield House, Arbroath; and Maggie Centre, Dundee) we hope to visit an Arts and Crafts house by Ballie Scott and Bodley's only church in Scotland.

Accommodation has been arranged at the four-star Dundee Landmark Hotel, on the outskirts of the city. The cost is inclusive of all meals. Dinner on Saturday night will include wine..

Early booking would be helpful, to ensure availability of hotel rooms.

It is intended to leave Newcastle on the Thursday at 8.00 am and to return by 8.00 pm on the Sunday. The final cost is yet to be confirmed. We are asking for a deposit of £200 per person. This will be refundable up to, but not after, a date of which not less than 10 days notice will be given.

Booking forms have been sent out with the March mailing, by post and electronically; a further copy is available here. For further information, please call 0191 265 6391 evenings or e-mail: .


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